Singing Guide: Marina and The Diamonds

Singing Guide: Marina and The Diamonds

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Marina Diamandis, popularly known for her stage name Marina and The Diamonds, is a Welsh singer and songwriter, known for her unique and versatile vocal range. She has a distinct soprano voice and is known to hit high notes. Her singing style is identified by her tasteful use of opera-like vibrato, falsetto and growls. Her songs often have intricate lyrics and eclectic soundscapes that add to her unique style.

To achieve a singing style like Marina Diamandis, performers should note several things. Firstly, her vocal range is distinct and identifying your own range through our vocal range test available on Singing Carrots is essential. Our vocal range test determines an individual's vocal range and identifies if they are a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or alto. Once you know your vocal range, you can create an exercise routine tailored to your unique voice.

Mastering vibrato like Marina Diamandis is important. Our article on "Singing with Vibrato" explains the techniques and importance of vibrato. Further, Marina Diamandis uses a number of contemporary vocal techniques like growls and distortion which are discussed in our article on "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting" and "Vocal distortion & Growling."

Breath support is critical for Marina Diamandis’ vocal technique. "Breathing Basics", and "Breath Support" are crucial articles on our website to help you improve your breath control. Paying attention to proper posture is also emphasized in the article "How posture affects your singing." Additionally, to learn Marina's songs effectively, follow our article on "How to learn a song effectively" that teaches step-by-step how to learn a song.

Marina Diamandis' lyrics can be sophisticated and demand a particular singing approach. Our article on "Articulation" offers detailed insights into clear and distinct pronunciations while singing.

Marina's music features a mix of classical and pop/jazz music style. Our detailed article "Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing" can provide insights on how to blend these genres.

We also offer a comprehensive course covering various singing techniques, including those used by Marina Diamandis in her songs. Check out "Singing Course" to have access to 21 lessons covering singing theories, practical tips, and performance techniques.

Furthermore, we have a song search tool to help you find songs with a similar vocal range. Our "Artist vocal ranges" page has the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers, including Marina Diamandis. You can conveniently browse and discover or modify your preferred song choices to match your vocal range.

For those looking for specific exercises, we have a detailed list of exercises in the form of tutorial videos covering topics such as chest voice, voice registers, sustaining vocals, good singing posture, and more. These exercises can aid greatly in improving your vocal techniques. The videos on "Twang," "Growling," and "Vibrato" can be of particular interest.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Marina and The Diamonds encompasses a range of techniques and exercises. With the right approach, guidance, exercises, tools, and resources available on our Singing Carrots website, you can achieve your unique singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.